I've completed a few more 3D printed miniatures. All of these have been shown here before as unpainted prints.
Here are all of them next to my standard cyberpunk size comparison figure, the one with a pistol and orange pants.

This is a figure from
Cyber Forge, and it's slimmer than the others, which are from
Papsikels. I painted it in an "anime" colour scheme which I though suits the theme. The helmet unfortunately didn't end up with a lot of detail, due to this being an FDM printer. It can be good as a "faceless" bounty hunter though.
The "Detective Wayne" figure from Papsikels comes with a cybernetic arm, which I painted in a metallic colour. Unfortunately, the angle of the head made it really hard to capture the face with a phone camera, but the lit cigarette tip actually shows up pretty well.
This is the "Airhacker Cyberkid" miniature, which I'll be using as a hacker in Stargrave. I think the surfboard-like object on his back is supposed to be an antenna. For this miniature, I used a head from a plastic kit (the old Wargames Factory zombie survivors sprue) to create more variety.
The hacker kid is quite small, as I think he is supposed to be a young teenager.
This is the "Cyberpunk Space Bear" figure from Papsikels. I replaced the original weapon which looked strange with an assault cannon from my Warhammer 40k bits. He can be a rapid fire heavy weapon trooper in Stargrave.
The miniature is pretty big though, compared to a normal human. I don't know how well larger figures will survive in an actual game. We'll see.
I still have a few other miniatures to do, including the captain and first mate, which I'm trying to spend more time on. Then I'll have a complete first crew for Stargrave. I have a few other crews planned, and they will follow once I get the hang of painting these 3D printed minis.